Where are we We are located in the City of La Vergne, 20 minutes from Downtown Nashville, TN.
What can be customized We offer the shapes and models and you can select from our different stabilized woods, solid or chambered bodies, types of finishes and colors, inlays and, in the case of basses, number of strings.
How long does it take us to make a new instrument We think you might be surprised to know that it actually takes between 16 to 20 hours to make a complete instrument. Of course, this does not take into consideration time for the wood to estabilize, time for the finish to cure and most importantly, that there's a bunch of instruments meing made, all at once and a new order is at the end of this line. 16 to 20 hours is the time that we are actually working on that instrument. That's why a Custom Made Instrument, for us, usually takes between 7 and 9 months.
How long does it take other companies Currently in the industry, a year is not uncommon but the range can be from 7 to even 2 years for custom shop instruments.
Can I Pay In Installments Yes, we offer up to 3 payments every 2 months from the start of your instrument. Just send us an email at [email protected] to discuss your project.
Can I go Visit The Shop We do enjoy having people over but at the same time, we have a lot of work so, if you want to come by and check what we have, please make an appointment through our contact form
Do you send updates during the process Better yet! Sending emails to each client with updates was becoming more and more difficult and time consuming and many clients felt out of the loop after the initial buying process. So, we decided to create an app for you to keep track of the processes your instrument is going through during the time of manufacturing. Go to "Order Status" and input your Instrument ID and you will be able to track the stage your instrument is going through.